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Showing posts from December, 2011

2012 Resolutions

Workout: 3 miles on treadmill I'm not huge into resolutions.  Mostly because I am TERRIBLE at keeping myself accountable to anything except running.  But, it is a new year, new beginnings, so I am going to try to do the following: 1.  Cut back on the pop.  Weekend ONLY for 2012!! Coke, oh, coke, why are you soooo bad for me?!! 2.  Eat fruit.  I don't know if this is a realistic goal, but I am at least going to try. Orlando tried cantaloupe for the first time tonight....he wasn't a fan :( 3.  Run more miles than I did in 2011.  I only ran 381 miles for the year, so unless I get pregnant this   shouldn't be too hard of a goal to accomplish. Finish of the Soldier Field 10 Mile.  For obvious reasons I won't be running this race next year. A very happy new year to all my readers!!  And if you have any resolutions...good luck! :)

The One and Only

Workout:  None I had every intention of doing loads of Christmas crafts with Lyla this year.  I'm not sure why, but I had no motivation once December got here to do any crafts with her at all.  So here is the one and only craft I pulled together: This was the easiest thing I could come up with.  Santa and his elf only required construction paper and cotton balls.  So next year it hopefully won't be too hard to one up this!

Quick Race Review

Workout:  HIIT/15 minute swim I just realized I totally forgot to write a review for the Turkey Trot I ran on Thanksgiving morning.  And since part of this blog is about running I feel obligated to write a post on the race.  So here is the quick version: *Went to the race solo since it was 40 minutes away and started at 7:30. *GPS took me to wrong location - FREAKED out!! *Made it to race with 22 minutes until start. *Bib pick up was horribly unorganized and made me mad. *Went to get my shirt and they had run out!!!  Really upset now.  I paid for that thing, darn it!! *Port-a-pottie line was forever long so I had to go behind a building ;) *The race started 10 minutes late and all I kept thinking was, "Come on, people, I have some Thanksgiving side dishes to make!!" *My butt hurt about 10 seconds into the race.  Soooo sore and I could not figure out why. *Totally dead by mile 2 so I turned on some magic - Gotta love  Flo Rida!!! *Was able ...

A little mommy rant!

Workout: HIIT download/2mile run Okay moms, I hate being bombarded in every parent's magazine and internet article about all these super star moms.  You know, the moms  that feed their kids organic food, only let their children play educational games, and make their two year old do service projects. You can judge and put your nose up in the air about me, but that is totally okay, because I judge you, too!!!   Seriously, I want to throw my greasy hamburger in their face and tell them to shove it.  My kids are awesome, healthy, happy, and enjoy life.  And I enjoy the things I do being their mom.  It is totally okay to: 1.   let my kids eat McDonald's french fries.  2.   let my children watch cartoons....right smack dab in front of the t.v.  3.  Allow them to drink  a late night polar pop!!  I believe this is Dr. Pepper. 4.  iPad games instead of story time at bed!! I don't care that these things...