Workout: Rest Day - And of course, it is gorgeous out which makes me want to run:((( You know when a complete stranger comes up to you and says, "You've got your hand full!", your children aren't really being good. At all. Yesterday was one of those days. You know, those days where you yell at yourself for attempting to take the kids out to get some errands done. We only had one errand to run. One. I thought it would be fun taking the kids to Walmart to pick out a present for their cousin. No. No, no, no. It wasn't fun at all!! First, Orlando threw a fit when I wouldn't let him put bubbles in the cart. Then, he threw another fit when I wouldn't let him put another type of bubble blower in the cart. OK, Walmart, do you really need 18 different displays of bubbles? You're killing me, here!! We finally got past the bubbles, but then we hit the Angry Bird section. Oh geez! Another fit. ...