Workout: 3 miles easy That start line is totally for realz!!!!! And that would explain the $15 entry fee for the Mahomet 5K. And even though there wasn't fancy pants timing this turned out to be an amazing race!! I went old school as well and decided to run with just an old fashioned stop watch. I didn't want to focus on pace or mile splits. I just wanted to run hard and not be bothered by numbers. There were just under 400 runners so I got a great start. The course ran through town and there were people out everywhere. For such a small race I was surprised with the amount of spectators that turned out. There was even a drum line out on the course which was fun, and made me feel kinda cool for some reason. Mile 1 was just a long steep slope, and although it made for a great first mile (7:16) I just kept thinking, "What goes down must go up, up, up!!" Every hill I went up I just kept thinking about my poor hubby who had ...