Workout: 3 miles in sunny "warm" weather!!! You know the winter has been bad when running in a 25 degree temp feels like a luxury:) I feel like 2013 was a decent year for my running. I was able to keep my knee pain to a minimum due to smart training. Smart training meant keeping each run short. Very very SHORT!! I absolutely hate that I can not run more than 2-3 miles, but it is amazing what you can get your body to do with such minimal mileage! So, I got my body to push through and get a post baby PR in the 5K!! Yippie! And, I got a yearly mileage PR! My special treat for reaching my goal....although I probably would have gotten one anyway. This is only the 3rd year I have kept track of my mileage. I'm sure back before I had children I was busting out almost double this number. But, I'm super proud of this for the following reason: teeny mileage. This number was achieved by running only 2-3 miles a cou...