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Showing posts from January, 2014

Looking back and looking ahead

Workout:  3 miles in sunny "warm" weather!!!  You know the winter has been bad when running in a 25 degree temp feels like a luxury:) I feel like 2013 was a decent year for my running.  I was able to keep my knee pain to a minimum due to smart training.  Smart training meant keeping each run short.  Very very SHORT!!  I absolutely hate that I can not run more than 2-3 miles, but it is amazing what you can get your body to do with such minimal mileage!  So, I got my body to push through and get a post baby PR in the 5K!!  Yippie!  And, I got a yearly mileage PR! My special treat for reaching my goal....although I probably would have gotten one anyway. This is only the 3rd year I have kept track of my mileage.  I'm sure back before I had children I was busting out almost double this number.  But, I'm super proud of this for the following reason:  teeny mileage.  This number was achieved by running only 2-3 miles a cou...

Christmas Highlights

Workout:  2 miles easy on the treadmill + 10 minutes core work Christmas is over and today we were to get back to our regular routine.  But then this happened:   Since my husband is a school administrator, he too, has the day off.  So our Christmas break is extended!!!! Here is our lone family Christmas photo....and it isn't even really a Christmas photo.  It is just a family photo.  And it is the only one we got of all 4 of us over the break.  Thank goodness I love it!! I just love the picture of Lyla staring up at the stockings!  She wasn't allowed to get hers down until her brother woke up.  Olaf was sticking out of her stocking and she was just dying to grab him! The headphones from Santa were a big hit.  She didn't take them off all morning. She listened to music while eating breakfast, and she even wore them while trying out her new nerf crossbow!  She looks like she is at a shooting range - ha! (Don't worry, I have never ...