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Showing posts from April, 2014

I Finally Raced in 2014!!

Workout: 30 minutes of strength training A few weeks ago I ran my first race of the year.  I had signed up for a small local race to support Girls on the Run - a character development program for grade school girls.  So it turns out this is the race that almost wasn't.  This is how it went down:  I get to the race totally not feeling it.  Not a big deal.  I go grab my race packet and notice there isn't a bib number.  I ask about that, and I find out this isn't a timed race.  It is "just for fun."  Wait.  What???  Who on earth runs just for fun??  Now I'm kinda annoyed.  I did not wake up at the crack of dawn, drag my kids out of bed, and drive down to Naples "just for fun".  I don't really feel like racing to begin with so at this point I just want to go back home.  I only paid $15 bucks, and I already got my super awesome race tank, so I kinda just want to leave.  As we are walking to the starting line I ...

Back at It

Workout:  3 miles followed by a jump in the pool!! I just started a 5 week training program called The Ultimate 5K Training Plan.  It is from Runner's World, and it is the same program I used last October/November.  I LOVE this plan.  This dude's philosophy is no tempo runs.  Lots of speed work with very short recovery - "uncomfortably short" as he puts it.  Worked for me in the fall so I'm giving it another go! The problem I am having is doing speed work in the heat.  I am definitely not complaining about the heat...I just don't know how to avoid it.  I have two options: 1.  Wake up early.  My husband leaves for work at 5:45 which means I would have to be out the door no later than 5 a.m. for speed work.  I don't mind waking up early, but I do mind the pitch black streets!!!  Even though I live in a gated community I still freak out about strangers hiding in the bushes.  Seriously, I do!!  It HAS to be light ...