Workout: 30 minutes of strength training A few weeks ago I ran my first race of the year. I had signed up for a small local race to support Girls on the Run - a character development program for grade school girls. So it turns out this is the race that almost wasn't. This is how it went down: I get to the race totally not feeling it. Not a big deal. I go grab my race packet and notice there isn't a bib number. I ask about that, and I find out this isn't a timed race. It is "just for fun." Wait. What??? Who on earth runs just for fun?? Now I'm kinda annoyed. I did not wake up at the crack of dawn, drag my kids out of bed, and drive down to Naples "just for fun". I don't really feel like racing to begin with so at this point I just want to go back home. I only paid $15 bucks, and I already got my super awesome race tank, so I kinda just want to leave. As we are walking to the starting line I ...