Workout: Shoulders and Triceps video then 1 mile warm-up, 5 x 400 meter repeats with 45 seconds rest. This was my first speed workout in a looooong time. I was so dead after that I couldn't even run my cool down. UGH! All running things today on the blog!! 1. New tunes on my "Run" playlist - Don't by Ed Sheeran - Oh my gosh!! I love this song!!! The beat is really fun although the lyrics are quite sad. Apparently it is about his relationship with Ellie Goulding and how she cheated on him (with one of the members of One Direction). Poor guy!! Thanks for making a great song out of it though!;) Shake it Off by Taylor Swift - Fun! Fun! Fun!! Young Volcanos by Fall Out Boy - Ok, so I thought this song was new until I looked it up and found out it was released last November. Geesh! Where have I been?? Oh well, it is new to me, and I lov...