Workout: 25 minute easy run Happy Birthday to me!! Even though my birthday was over 2 weeks ago I am just now enjoying my Starbucks birthday treat!:)) Grande decaf Pumpkin Spice Latte - YUM!! And can I say I totally don't agree with those people that say, "I would rather eat my calories than drink them". Nope. No way. I love all my Starbucks foo foo drinks;)) So here I am another year older, and a new age group to go with it! 35-39 seems so OLD!!! Ahhhhh! I really can't believe I am in the late thirties category. It totally freaks me in out in a sad and slightly depressed way. I don't do well with aging:( Let's move on to happier things.... The birthday run!! It was brutal. I only did a 20 minute run, but let me tell you, pushing this beast of a bike trailer was crazy hard!!! I was huffing and puffing at 1:47 into my run. But, the weather was gorgeous, and Orlando had a blast so it was ...