Workout: None...yet. But I might later. Which is what I've been saying everyday for about the past 3 weeks!!! Hey, you all!!!!! Guess who decided to reappear?!?! And guess what I've been up to? Just cooking up a little boy in this belly of mine! So, I'm 30 weeks pregnant, (31 according to the docs, but whatever) and NOTHING has gone as planned. And when I say NOTHING I am referring to diet and exercise. First, I had plans of running as long as I could. My goal was to run to at least 32 - 34 weeks pregnant. I made it to 6 weeks, folks. 6 WEEKS!!! Then, the morning sickness hit, and it hit hard!!!! I was sick all day and all night. I was so crazy miserable. And it didn't go away at the end of the first trimester. It lasted a good 18 weeks! Once I started feeling better I decided to just work on staying toned. I was in the gym lifting weights about 3 days a week. ...