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Showing posts from February, 2012

Valentine's Treat

Workout:  Cross Fit (running and toning combined) I meant to write this post right after Valentine's Day and it totally slipped my mind.  Oops.  Better late than never!!  It is my tradition to bake for Matt on Valentine's Day.  I took a little risk this year and tried out a new recipe -  Brown Sugar Blondies .  They were AMAZING!!  In fact, I owe him another plate because I kinda ate most of them.  And by most, I mean all but two.  YIKES! After our baking was complete Lyla made daddy some coupons.  She was so proud of her hard work that was precious!!  I think Valentine's Day is a lot more fun with kids!

A Trip to the Farmer's Market

Workout: None, but I did run 40 minutes yesterday which is my longest run since September!!! On this gorgeous February day the girls of the house decided to take a trip to the Tijuana of southwest Florida - Immokalee.  It is a small city out in the middle of nowhere that is made up of mostly migrant workers.  They have the most AMAZING farmer's market every Saturday.  And now if anyone visits I will be sure to take them there.  It's a pretty fun experience, and the fresh fruit and veggies are to die for!! Okay, sorry about the glare on the first picture.  But check this out - those gigantoid green peppers were only 20 cents a piece!  The strawberries, which were just picked this morning, were only $13 for that entire box.  The perfectly red and gorgeous looking tomatoes - 6 bucks for the entire box.  And Lyla is saying, "One dollar baby!!", about the price of that onion.  We also bought pineapple, butternut squash, garlic, and oranges. ...

Do You Have What It Takes?

Workout: 3.5 mile run In my most recent Shape magazine the main article was "How to Look Good Naked".  I didn't even bother to read it.  I know what all those super skinny Hollywood stars do to stay rail thin.  It probably looks a little something like this: -Hire a personal trainer to kick your butt. -Workout 60 minutes 6 days a week. -No carbs....EVER. -When you want a snack grab no more than 5 almonds. -If you crave something sweet eat an apple. -Only drink water. -Make sure you consume no more than 1200 calories a day. UGH!!  Seriously, who wants to live their life like that.  It almost seems like torture to me. Let me tell you why this lifestyle is NOT an option for me. -I don't have money for a personal trainer. -Unless I wake up at 4:30 a.m. 60 minutes a day is not an option. -I. LOVE. BREAD!!!! -A snack is cookies and milk, or chips, or Red Vines, or..... -An apple will NEVER cure a sweet craving for me. -I. LOVE. POP!!! -Well, consi...

A Looooong Term Goal

Workout: Easy 2 miles - Race day tomorrow! In October of '99 I ran my first and only marathon to date.  I ran the Chicago marathon two days after my 20th birthday, and it was AWFUL!!!  I hated pretty much every step from mile 13 on.  When I crossed the finish line I swore I would never do that again.  My marathon experience is the third most painful experience of my life!!  (It was the MOST painful experience for 8 years!!)  The MOST painful experience of my life is the birth of my daughter.  My labor with her was so awful I wanted to die.  I mean, no joke, the words "I want to die. Just kill me!!!" were yelled at my husband during my 4 hour pushing excursion. The second most painful experience of my life was the birth of my son.  Pretty much just as awful.  I still wanted to die, but I don't think I yelled at Matt, and thankfully the pain was a few less hours. The day I came home with Lyla. My little forceps baby, Orlando. ...