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Showing posts from March, 2012

The Forgotten Post

Workout:  None I realized I never wrote the post about our drive home from IL over Christmas break....Oh my gosh!!  Can you say disaster?  I guess it wasn't really the drive that was bad but our night at the hotel.  We stopped for the night somewhere is GA, and we arrived at our hotel around 6 pm.  We grabbed some food and spent the night watching t.v.  Around 9 we decided to turn the lights out.  As soon as we put Orlando down he screamed and screamed.  We got him up and cuddled with him for a few minutes, and then we put him back in the pack-n-play.  This process happened three times.  The fourth time we let him scream.  And scream he did for about 20 minutes.  After a LOT of screaming, cuddling, watching Blue's Clues, and bottles, he finally fell asleep at 11.  But sleep didn't last long.  At 3:30 Orlando wakes up crying, by 3:35 Lyla is up perky as can be.  And by 4 we are on the road driving the rest of th...

Back to Disney

Workout:  2 mile run + strength training in the a.m./2 mile run in the p.m. Back in February we took another trip to Disney World.  This time we brought along Orlando which wasn't too much fun at all!!  You know when baby's not happy, mommy and daddy tend to fight, well bicker, A LOT easier than normal which just led to a stressful few days.  BUT, Lyla had an absolute great time and was a really good girl.  We went mostly for her anyway!! Okay, these pictures here are just so stinking precious.  As soon as we walked into Magic Kingdom Daisy and Pluto were out greeting the kids.  Each line was about 30 minutes long and Lyla didn't whine once!! We visited Buzz over in Tomorrowland, Donald was in Frontier Land, and then we stopped by the Polynesian Resort just to be nosey and see what they had to offer :)  Lyla had more fun meeting the characters than going on the rides.  It was all too cute! Day 2 we headed to Hollywood Studios.  The ...

Osprey 5K Review

Workout:  Speedwork in the 85 degree cloudless insane heat!!!:  .5 mile warm-up, 5 x .25, .5 mile cool down.  Totally love running to International Love !! A few weeks ago I ran a 5K here in Ft. Myers.  I had run a race on this same course a few months ago, and I loved it!  I was super excited about running and was hoping to run around 7:35-7:40 pace, but that didn't happen.  Close, but close isn't satisfactory to me.  The first mile my garmin was going crazy, and it totally threw me off.  One second it would say 7:02 pace, then 8:10, then 7:20, etc.  I couldn't figure out where to settle in and so my first mile was too fast; 7:24.  I felt okay, but was a little worried about that speed catching up with me.  And it did.  Quickly.  Mile 2 was painful.  I just felt like absolute crap and ran a 7:45.    I thought I felt pretty decent for mile 3, and every time I checked my garmin I was at a 7:45ish pace, but ...