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Showing posts from September, 2013

Taking it Easy

Workout: 4 miles easy I ran a 5K back in mid August, and since then I have been taking it easy peasy!!  I have not done any speed work, tempo runs, timed runs, or any type of run that would force me to push myself in any way.  Well, unless you count the other day when I realized I wasn't going to make it home by 7:20 which is when Matt leaves for work.  I did have to kick it into high gear the last half mile or so...oops, sorry hon! I don't have another race scheduled until Thanksgiving so I don't feel the need to do anything but cruise along and look at the gorgeous sun rise. Every other day I get to watch the sun come up.  Living in a small town totally has its benefits!!  Out here in the country there is nothing to block your view - I LOVE IT!!!  I am getting too comfortable with this "taking it easy" thing so next week I am going to try to get back into the grind of hard workouts once a week.  Until then, I will Keep Calm and Run Easy;))

Miss Kindergarten

Workout: 3 miles easy Look who started kindergarten!!!  Even though we are almost a month into the year it still is hard for me to believe that our school days are actually here!   Lyla didn't go to preschool, and now she is in full day K!  Yeah, sink or swim, sista!!!  Thankfully she is swimming really well just as I knew she would. This little jumping bean was completely ready for school.  And I was completely ready to say adios, because entertaining her all. day. long. was getting to be exhausting!!  School is from 8-3:05.  I would say around 2ish I start to miss her.  I really didn't see that coming!!  But guess who misses her more than I do?? This boy is like a lost little puppy dog without his sister.  Aye, aye, aye!!!  He is really wearing me out! Usually by 1 p.m. I am ready for a nap.  But, Orlando quit napping last Christmas so usually I throw Max & Ruby onto the tv and try to catch a 10 minute cat ...