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Showing posts from September, 2015

Summer Races

Workout:  3 miles easy - 100% humidity and dew point of 76!!  UGH!! Since fall is here in just a few days I thought I should throw my summer races up on the blog while it is still officially summer!!;) I was pumped about my summer races.  I had a good workout plan in my mind, and I was going to break 23 minutes!!  I was so determined!  Well, I thought I was so determined.  But, I guess I wasn't that  determined because things fell apart pretty quick.  There was vacation, and then our cruise, and then traveling up to Illinois.  And although I could have run during all these events, well,  I didn't.  OOPS!! Fisher Fair 5k I ran this race with my brother, and this was his first race in 20 years!!  It was really cool to run it with him, and to see him get back into running.  I actually only ran "with him" for about 7 steps, and then he took off. Mile 1 -7:34  Yeah, way too fast.  I'm actually pretty good a...