Workout: Workout video - Back and Biceps; Pop Pilates Abs on Fire - I highly recommend this video for a serious kick butt ab workout!! 13 minutes of pure torture!!
The Rodeo
So there's this huge rodeo every year in my hometown. It's kind of a big deal, but I never bothered to go. As a kid I didn't go because my parents didn't take us. And as a young adult I never went because I thought it sounded totally lame. On a last minute whim I decided to take my daughter. All her cousins were going, and you know, I couldn't let her be all left out. It turns out this rodeo is the coolest thing ever!! I can't believe my parents didn't take us when we were younger. Such great family fun!! And such true patriotism showed here! It restored my faith in Americans!! Ahhhh, the good 'ole Midwest!:)
Of course I got suckered into a hat. I let her get the same one as her cousin. It lights up, and I thought it would be fun for playing at home.
They had these fun little "intermissions" between events. I actually liked these fun acts better than the events. Some of the events were hard to watch, like the steer wrestling. Oh gosh, made me cringe every time!
I think this photo is of barrel racing. It was one of my favorite events because it didn't involve throwing a steer to the ground:) I wish I would have taken more pictures, but I was so into the evening that I didn't even bother with my phone.
If you live anywhere near Monticello, IL go to this rodeo!!! It is always at the end of June. The weather this time of year is gorgeous. And, let's face it, cowboys are cool;)
Well, I haven't been running at all. So I suppose the sub title "running" is very inaccurate. The craziest thing happened about 10 days ago. I was on a run - almost done with it actually - and all of a sudden my upper quad cramped up. It was so bad that I had to hobble my way home. I proceeded to limp for the next 2 days, and was in some pretty crazy pain.
So what happened......Well, I have diagnosed myself with a pulled hip flexor. If I read the muscle diagram correctly that I found on-line then my self diagnosis is 100% accurate;) After a week off it still hurts. I'm not limping anymore, but I definitely can feel it when walking. That is not good. Because I am not pain free when walking I have decided to take another full week off. My end of the month race is for sure a no-go now. There isn't really another race I want to run until October so I figured I would take my time with rehab. Right now my rehab consists of stretching and icing. Today I started some resistance band work, and the kids just had to try as well:)
They kept getting in my way, but I kept my cool and let them tag along. It's like a zillion degrees out right now so I don't much mind the break from running!:)
Cowboys are SO cool! And did you get new patio furniture??