Workout: None - horrible, awful, terrible knee pain!! :((
On Wednesday, October 31, I lost a dear friend and fellow runner. Matt's cousin, Natalie, died tragically at the young age of 19.
Natalie was like my blog "groupie"! I know she read my posts regularly, and in fact, she told me that she looks forward to my posts! I figured it would only be fitting to dedicate this post to her.
Natalie and I loved to talk about running. Whenever we would come down to visit Matt's family we would try to get together for a run. Thanksgiving 2010 we ran the Old National Turkey Day 5K together. This was her first 5K, and she kicked my butt....although, let me say that I had just had a baby 4 months earlier so had the circumstances been different, um, she still would have kicked my butt!:)
A few weeks later our family was back to visit for Christmas. While talking about running she somehow slipped in the word yoga. And before I knew it I had agreed to take some yoga class with her at 7 the next morning. And not just any yoga, but HOT YOGA!! A 70 minute HOT HOT HOT yoga class in a room that is 101 degrees!!! We managed to grab a spot in the back (thankfully), and wouldn't you know we were the only 2 in that room that didn't know what the crap we were doing!! Whenever the instructor would name a pose we would first look at each other, and then look to see what everyone else was doing, and then we would try to finagle our bodies into some ridiculous looking position and laugh:) What I had been dreading the night before was actually kind of fun. And after that 70 minutes of torture we decided to go run for 30 minutes afterwards in the rain. And by the time I got home I could hardly move. But you know what? We had fun!! And we had made great memories. Memories that I will always remember and cherish. Natalie Kamp will be greatly missed.
On Wednesday, October 31, I lost a dear friend and fellow runner. Matt's cousin, Natalie, died tragically at the young age of 19.
Natalie was like my blog "groupie"! I know she read my posts regularly, and in fact, she told me that she looks forward to my posts! I figured it would only be fitting to dedicate this post to her.
Natalie and I loved to talk about running. Whenever we would come down to visit Matt's family we would try to get together for a run. Thanksgiving 2010 we ran the Old National Turkey Day 5K together. This was her first 5K, and she kicked my butt....although, let me say that I had just had a baby 4 months earlier so had the circumstances been different, um, she still would have kicked my butt!:)
A few weeks later our family was back to visit for Christmas. While talking about running she somehow slipped in the word yoga. And before I knew it I had agreed to take some yoga class with her at 7 the next morning. And not just any yoga, but HOT YOGA!! A 70 minute HOT HOT HOT yoga class in a room that is 101 degrees!!! We managed to grab a spot in the back (thankfully), and wouldn't you know we were the only 2 in that room that didn't know what the crap we were doing!! Whenever the instructor would name a pose we would first look at each other, and then look to see what everyone else was doing, and then we would try to finagle our bodies into some ridiculous looking position and laugh:) What I had been dreading the night before was actually kind of fun. And after that 70 minutes of torture we decided to go run for 30 minutes afterwards in the rain. And by the time I got home I could hardly move. But you know what? We had fun!! And we had made great memories. Memories that I will always remember and cherish. Natalie Kamp will be greatly missed.
Nice tribute and memory of what seems a beautiful young lady. I'm so glad you two were able to share some special times together.