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I am a Mom!!

Workout: None

 Rejuvenation always comes when you need it most.  After a few crappy mom days I was ready to get out of the house and listen to a marvelous speaker.  A speaker I KNEW would give me just the encouragement I needed to keep going.  The speaker was Jill Savage.   Jill is a wife, mother, grandmother, and the founder and director of Hearts at Home.  She is the author of more than seven books, and she has a new book, No More Perfect Moms, being released in February.  When I found out she was coming to speak at our local MOPS groups I was so excited!!  Here are my notes from the mornings message:

Professionalizing Motherhood - A workshop with Jill Savage

1.  Motherhood is a profession.
     -When people ask what you do don't say "I'm just a mom".  Omit that word JUST!!
     -Approach motherhood as a job.  Set goals, make plans, make lists, and use a calendar as you would in any other profession!
     -Get dressed!!!  (Ha, as I write this I am still in my pajamas.)  This is a hard one, but do not stay in your sweats all day.  Get up, get dressed, do your hair, put on a little make-up (if you wear it).  This will help set the tone for the day.  **This is what I did:  After having Orlando I went to Victoria's Secret and bought tons of cute comfy yoga pants, crops, sweat shirts, and tees.  The price tag was hefty, but I also was tired of looking like a ragged mom!!

2.  The marriage relationship must come first.
     -The foundation of marriage gives children security.
     -Wife 1st, Mother 2nd!!
     -Intentionally spend time together.  There are 3 types of dates:
             -Daily - texts, phone calls, a few minutes alone talking
             -Weekly/Bi-weekly - put a regular date on the calendar.  Even if you can't go out do something at home after the kids have gone to bed.  Put it on the calendar and make it a priority!!
             -Annual getaway - go away for a long weekend.

3.  We must maximize the moments we're given.
     -Motherhood is the only profession you can not go back and do again.  You can always go back and teach again or go into the business world again when the kids are older.  You are only given one opportunity with your children.  Make the most of it!!

4.  We must understand our worth and value.
     -Your value is NOT in your children.  Your value is in Christ.  Many mothers place their worth in their child's behavior, looks, talents, etc.  These things change.  Your child's behavior is constantly changing; Christ NEVER changes.  So the next time your toddler throws the biggest tantrum in Walmart do not let it make you feel like less of a mother/person.

Jill shared so many encouraging stories and told many personal examples of these four truths above that I wish I had the ability to narrate for you all to read.  For inspiration from Jill visit her blog and website:  And for those of you readers that live in central IL look into the Hearts at Home Conference by clicking here.  And in the meantime mothers, remember these rules:


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