Workout: 1.5 miles easy - don't judge until you read the post.
By reading the title it is pretty safe to assume that I am injured. I have had some crazy knee injury for almost 3 years now that doctors can't figure out what is going on. It is extremely frustrating to deal with this. Even more frustraing that I have spent hundreds of dollars on rehab that didn't do jack squat!
Okay, so I had been training hard core for a Turkey Trot I am running down in Evansville, IN. And by hard core I mean I found an advanced 5K training program that I pretty much followed to a T!!! The only thing I didn't do was have my long run be 8-9 miles. What?? It's a freaking 5K!! So, I was doing awesome, feeling great, totally ready to go....and then it happened. My knee started hurting. Like really really bad:(( So, I did the smart thing and backed off. I decided to rest my knee.
Now, when most people have an injury they can still "train". Hop on the elliptical or ride the bike. Take a spin class or maybe even swim. There are options. There just aren't options for me; now that we live pretty much in the middle of nowhere. So for me training while injured means I don't do anything. At. All. I've been stretching, and rolling, and I bought some resistance bands, but that has been the extent of any activity.
While Orlando watches cartoons in the morning I try to get some band work in. Here I am trying to do some butt lifts, but Orlando wouldn't stop kissing me. It was cute at first, and then I just wanted him to leave me alone so I could count and not say "thank you" every 3 seconds. Counting and saying thank you is actually quite difficult.
After 4 full days of rest I decided I was ready to go! But then I got sick. Really really sick!! And so I ended up taking 2 more days off. And then something crazy happened. CRAZY!!!!! I got a mysterious injury. For realz!!
My ankle, or whatever part of my foot that giant inflamation is located, started to hurt. It hurt so bad I could hardly move my foot. I decided to go to the doctor because I was kinda freaked out. It turns out to be tendon inflamation....nothing serious, but I have no clue what aggrivated it. Ugh!! I feel like all that hard work went totally down the drain. I haven't run more than 2 miles in the past 2 weeks!!
I'm sure I am going to be completely gased out for the race on Thursday. I will probably be huffing and puffing by mile 1. We shall see how absolutely no training while injured works out for me in just a few days!
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